am Sonntag, den 13. Dezember 15, ab 15.00h!
am Sonntag, den 13. Dezember 15, ab 15.00h |
unser Musik- und Fotofreund aus Bossier City in Louisiana, spielt zur Kaffee- und Kuchenzeit auf Gitarre, Banjo und Klavier traditionelle amerikanische und deutsche Musik, teilweise begleitet von den Rookies Anita Erras und Günter Lanzl.
Artist Biography
Allen's other activities include video production, photography, graphics design and writing. He's fortunate to have these included in his day-job description as media officer in a public agency.
He's proud to hail from northwest Pennsylvania, the birthplace of America's first professional songwriter and one of its greatest composers, Stephen C. Foster. Allen was born just before the end of WW II, just in time to be a part of the great folk revival of the 1960s. At that time, already a classical music student, he heard and fell in love with traditional music, too.
He travels to Germany every year to play gigs with his German musician friends, and has more fun in those two weeks than in the entire rest of the year. He loves Germany and his German and British friends, and would like to retire in Germany. Er lernt Deutsch so schell wie moeglich.
He feels that if his songs can make you smile, tap your foot or let out a nostalgic sigh, he has done his duty
In den Pausen liest GL einige Texte aus seinem neuen Fotolyrikband
'Kaffeehausgeschichten', unter denen auch das Galeriecafé Blaue Lilie vertreten ist.
Fürs leibliche Wohl gibts Kaffee und selbst gebackene Kuchen
sowie eine deftige heisse Suppe!
Ich denke uns steht ein unvergesslicher Nachmittag bevor,
ich würde mich sehr freuen euch zahlreich dazu begrüssen zu dürfen!
Eure Uschy Schlichtinger
Galeriecafé Blaue Lilie